Monday, September 19, 2011


Yaarrrrg...Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day, mateys and scallywags.  Some important things to remember this week:

1. Homework tonight is to draw a symbol for Rainsford (and color it!!) and complete the "actions" part of the Rainsford character chart.
2. IANs are due this week (pp.26-31).  1st/3rd on Tuesday, 4th/5th on Wednesday, 6th/7th on Thursday.  Make sure they are complete and turn them in!
3.  Picture day is Wednesday.  Make sure you look cute or whatever!  ;)
4. The first two summative grades are this week:  Two-Voice Poems and a test.  Make sure you ask any questions about "The Most Dangerous Game" if you have them!

Let's have a great rest of the week!